Christmas TreeYep, it’s that time again.  Since I took the ‘buy handmade pledge‘ I vowed to never buy another Christmas present again.  Last year I successfully knitted every single Christmas gift.  I also stressed out BIG TIME towards the end.  As some of you may know, sprint knitting is NOT fun.  In fact it sucks.  Last year I started making gifts in September.  This year I am starting now.  At least the planning portion.   I have most presents figured out.  Bummer about knitted gifts is that I cannot post anything about them until the recipient receives the gift!  No worries readers…I have Knitting ADD so chances are I will be working on more than just Christmas presents in the next coming months!!  Plus, I am going to try and dye all of the yarn for my gifts this year, which should be fun.  I can share dyed yarn.  The expecting knitted gift recipient will have no idea!!

What’s your favorite knitted Christmas/Holiday gift?