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The yarn I ordered form Yarnundyed FINALLY arrived!  I must say I am impressed.  It is SUPER soft, like wear next to your skin super soft.  I must have sat and fondled the yarn for around 30 minutes before breaking it into skeins.  I got the Aran weight 500gm cone.  4 skeins out of it.  When I was measuring out the 4th skein I came up 40 feet short.  Now, this could be my measuring technique and I won’t know for sure until after i dye it all and then re-measure.  I couldn’t figure out how to get the yarn off of the cone through the measuring meter and onto the umbrella swift with the right amount of tension.  OK, enough details, here are some pics…

img_1431We are in the process of re-doing our living room floor, so please just focus on the beautful super soft cone of 100% organic merino wool!

img_1434Ready to hit the kettle!

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I Took The Handmade Pledge!

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Kotar Knits