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Did you know that the color ‘sage’ is achieved by mixing rust orange with blue? Apparently equal parts of each.  Who knew?  I would have never guessed that.  In the photo, the skein on the right was my first attempt at sage.  Didn’t go so well but didn’t end terribly either.  In fact, I think it is a rather nice army green.  Attempt #2, which is pictured on the left went a lot better and is closer to sage, obviously.  However, it’s still not right.  Or maybe it is?  Not sure.  One thing I do know – dyeing yarn is a crap shoot in the beginning.  I have only been on this adventure for about a month or so now and I have already learned a ton.  Not only do you have to mix the dyes correctly, but you have to know how much to dilute the dye to get the shade you want.  With that being said, these two skeins came from the same dye recipe, one was just diluted a LOT more than the other.  DUH BRENNA!  Beginner Yarn Dyeing lesson for the day is now over.

Literally.  Dyeing yarn is SO MUCH FUN.  Who knew?!?!  I think the most exciting part is winding up the yarn to see the final product.  It’s like magic…



I am very pleased with how this came out and will use this technique again.  I actually think I could duplicate this colorway which is the first time in my yarn dyeing experience that I am able to say that!  Here’s how I did it:  First, I put the yarn in the pot.  Then I mixed up some red and yellow dye (separately of course).  I then poured the yellow dye in first over one section only.  Then poured the red dye everywhere where the yellow did not cover.  Lifted the yellow dye up a little so that the red did not “mix in” with it too much.  Slowly brought it to a simmer and left it for like 30 minutes.  Let it cool, soaked the skein in a little wool wash , let it dry and voila!  I shall name this colorway….SUNBURST!

So I got in contact with the yarn company I ordered yarn from.  Turns out my yarn IS on its way and has been since last week.  They sent me a very nice email explaining the situation.  The yarn should arrive sometime next week.  I am VERY excited.


YARN!  My yarn dyeing supplies FINALLY arrived.  Took almost two weeks and I must say it was well worth the wait.  My 1st skein is drying as I type!  Since it took what seemed like years for the dye to arrive I had plenty of time to research exactly what dyeing technique I would use first – variegated kettle dyeing.  It would be unlike me to start off with an “easy” solid color.  Let’s just say the directions make the process seem way easier than the actual doing.  I also found out that I have NO idea how to mix colors.  Think I need to invest in a color wheel.



I think I just officially nerded out.  Yes, this is what I do on a Friday night and I am not afraid to admit it.

Eeek!  I am so excited to see the final (dried) product!!!!

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I Took The Handmade Pledge!

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Kotar Knits